Tuesday, March 23, 2010

importance of deep conversations

A few days back I wrote about leading by talking. The main idea in that blog was to engage with broad number of participants to understand the actual situation of the organization. Most of the time organizations seem to fail after they start thinking that they have figured out how to do stuff. The world is always changing so the belief that we have figured it out, is a sure way to fail.


The book One Strategy: Organization, Planning, and Decision Making by Steven Sinofsky and Marco Iansiti talks about how 2 strategies (explicit strategy by top management and execution strategy by those who are involved in execution should be same and to make it happen there should be communication top down, bottom up, and middle out.


One of the authors Steven Sinofsky who has implemented this strategy in Microsoft during the development of Windows 7 used his blog to communicate with his team. To read more about the book, see HBS Working Knowledge article: One Strategy: Aligning Planning and Execution by Sean Silverthorne.





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